Me with my sponsored children

Me with my sponsored children
Me with my sponsored children

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Car repair, Tanzanian style

I had mentioned earlier that I was having electrical problems with my car, and after Sunday's adventure with the gas tank door release issues, I knew something had to be done. Joanna, here at Joshua, reccomended Elisante, who used to be a mechanic here and now works somewhere else, but is still available. I texted him yesterday, and he said he'd come this morning. Sure enough, he arrived around 11:30, and I showed him all that doesn't work in my car. We both hoped it was a fuse or something simple (me probably more than him!). I gave him my keys, thinking he'd have to take it somewhere, but about 15 minutes later he called me down to see my tape and Cd player working, my sun roof opening and closing, and my gas release door springing open! My overhead light still doesn't work, because the bulb is blown out! I'm still not sure what it all was, but it wasn't a fuse. I asked, so gratefully, how much I owed him, and he said, "For you, 10." (That's 10,000 Tanzanian shillings, or about $7.50!) I told him I'd call him any time I needed something done, and he told me to call anytime!
Now I'm not foolish enough to think that will happen so easily every time, but it was a great first time car repair story (not counting the recharging battery as the actual first one here!).
The next home visit will be on Thursday by a man who does sewing for people on the base. He's made dresses, pillows, etc. for Joanna and others, and Janet and I both have fabric we want made up, so I'll write abut that next!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the car issue was a relative non-issue! We both know how bad it could have been, don't we? ;-)
    Love reading all your adventures - especially the lizard in the computer...that is a great story!
    Love and miss you! mb
