The 1st grade girl who turned and mouthed, “I love you,” during class!
The 2nd grade girls who wrote things for me to check and passed them to me in class (and the one who took her slip of paper, folded it, and put it in her bag to take home)
The entire Baby Class (like our pre-kindergarteners) who had no teacher today, but I didn’t know that (and neither did anyone else until morning tea time), but I saw them alone and playing in their classroom, so I went in, and they sang the Alphabet song with me, and “I’m So Happy Today” for me! Then we all walked to morning tea together holding hands.
All the children who asked me, ”What is your name?” and then used it this week!
The 3rd grade class showing me what they could do on their laptops!
The assorted boys I had lunch with, and we talked about our favorite foods. ( I couldn’t really tell them most of mine because they’ve never heard of them!)
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